Want to support the cause?
Donating is incredibly easy! Just fill out the box at the bottom of the page for simple and painless donation with either a credit or debit card, or through your PayPal account. All monetary donations are tax-deductible.
Your transaction is kept completely safe and secure thanks to our reliable encryption software. Your information will not be saved or stored on any platform unless you select the “reoccurring donation” option when you give. If you choose the reoccurring payment option, your private information is protected by our secure platform.
You can also opt to remain anonymous in your donation by checking the “make your donation anonymous” box on the information tab. Please note that doing so might compromise your ability to claim the donation on your taxes. All donations will show up on your account as “The Unmarried Wife” for easy filing and identifying.
What’s the money going towards?
When you donate to The Unmarried Wife you are donating to more than just a vision. The money that you put forward is going to impact real change in real women all across the Chattanooga area. Through initiatives like our Belonging Breakfasts , our Breakfast Blessings Program, and our Safe House Program, The Evermore House, we are spreading love and encouragement everywhere we go and consistently creating a safe place for women to come, heal, and discover God and their own identity.
Giving a donation is investing in the future of this outreach mission and all of the women who are impacted by our programs. By sowing into us, you are sowing into a much larger plan that the Lord has for His people. Through partnering, what was once just our harvest is shared with you when the season of reaping comes. Please consider donating to the promise of more!
You can choose to make a one time donation, or a reoccurring monthly one. All donations are appreciated and will be tithed on, in honor and recognition of what we are doing and how it is made possible.
If you feel led to give a directed donation for a specific part of the ministry, check the “leave us a comment” box and input the program’s name or the cause to which you’d like to donate in the space below (i.e. Donation for Safe House, Sponsorship for Belonging Breakfast, etc)!
Thank you for your generosity and we pray an innumerable blessing to be poured back into you because of your faithfulness!
** we reserve the right to delegate money where needed