


Who We Are


The Unmarried Wife is a women’s based outreach ministry and nonprofit dedicated to uplifting and encouraging women all around the world.  We believe in the power of community– even on a global scale.  

We host three main programs: The Belonging Breakfast,  Breakfast Blessings, and The Evermore House , all of which are centered around giving women community, resources, and ultimately, the love of Jesus.

The Belonging Breakfast is a once a month event that we host from February through October, aimed at uniting people together and helping them find a place of belonging.  Once a month, we rent out beautiful wedding venues and lay out an extravagant spread of food and gifts, and invite all women– married, unmarried; saved, unsaved; children or no children– to join us in community.  Our heart in these events is to show women the extravagant love that God has for them and to bring them together into a safe place of belonging.  For more information about The Belonging Breakfast, click here.

Our Breakfast Blessings Program was originally birthed from The Belonging Breakfast.  Every month, we were left with an exorbitant amount of high-quality food and gifts from the overflow of that program, so we decided to share it with those who need it most.  Every month, we collect donations and the excess we have from all of our programs, and create hand-crafted take-home charcuterie boxes for single mothers, widows, and homeless people in the Chattanooga area.  Along with feeding the marginalized, we also bless them with gifts and donations, truly striving to meet them where they are with the needs that they have, and more.  In 2022, we were able to bless between 80 -120 people monthly on average!

For more information about the program, to serve, to donate, or to sign up to receive our monthly blessings, please Contact Us to get connected in!

Finally, our newest and largest program yet, The Evermore House, is centered in giving women a safe space to belong, but on a much larger scale.

The Evermore House is a christian-based safe house program that can house up to fifteen women and children at a time.  Our year-long program is completely free to all who enter, and we have absolutely no requirements on the background of the woman applying.  Whether she is homeless, escaping abuse, coming out of recovery, or just a woman who is down on her luck, any woman from anywhere can find a home in our program— making this a house that is truly for all women. \

While in the house, women are provided with a slew of life-changing resources like access to free counseling, financial advisement, and gym memberships, partnered with mentorship opportunities to help reform their situation and provide generational change.

We are currently operating The Evermore at partial capacity.  To help us move into full-capacity housing, we encourage you to visit our Donate Page to see how you can set up reoccurring giving to bless a family today!


If you’d like to learn more about The Evermore House, click here!  Alternatively, if you or anyone you know would like to apply to be a resident, please visit our Evermore House Application Form to start your journey into healing!


Whether it’s The Belonging Breakfast or The Evermore House Program, everything that we do, we do to show people that they are worth the cost that it takes to love them.


If you would like more information about any of our programs, or if you’d like us to come share our heart at a church or conference, please Contact Us or email us at theunmarriedwifeministry@gmail.com




What We Believe


First and foremost, we believe in an all powerful, omnipresent, and three part Godhead that created and sanctioned the universe.  We believe that all three: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are living and active today, and that they desire to have intimate and interpersonal relationships with each and every one of us.

We believe that Jesus died as an act of retribution for our sins, paying our wage for death when He died.  We also believe that He rose three days later, to claim victory over the grave, and to invite us to live in Glory with Him forevermore.


Finally, we believe that God wants to have an interactive relationship with everyone.  This type of relationship was established on the foundation of supernatural love and honor that God put in place at the beginning of time.  At The Unmarried Wife, we have come to believe that living with Jesus in our lives is entirely differently than living with Jesus as our lives.  We encourage you to bring Him to your center, interacting with Him and understanding Him to be as sweet as a friend, as committed as a father, and as intimate as a husband.




Why the Name


The inspiration behind our name first originated from Jeremiah 2:2 :

“I remember the devotion of your youth,

how as a bride you loved me

and followed me through the wilderness

through a land not sown.


The Bible refers to the church as “the bride of Christ”.  Throughout Scripture, you see that the metaphor of marriage to God is used to define steadfastness, commitment, pursuit… even unending and unadulterated love.


For most, the thought of God as a husband is reassuring– and it should be.  To see the Lord as someone who is with us in sickness and in health is steadying to our tumultuous spirits.  


We at The Unmarried Wife have felt a conviction to fulfill our role in the second half of that marriage.  As the church, we aim to be “wives” that are wholly devoted to our Husband the Maker, giving ourselves over to Him with dedication and commitment.  We seek not to strive to give in place of what He gave, but rather, to devote our lives to giving to Him simply because we love to love God.


We believe that men and women alike are called to be in an intimate marriage with the Lord: faithful and true and communicative of our love.  God uses marriage as a tangible metaphor to reveal the depth and completeness of His love for us.  It is in love that we do the same.


We choose to surpass anxieties and fears of “a land not sown” to pursue the One that leads us into a land of milk and honey.


If you would like to read more about how we came we came to be The Unmarried Wife, check out our Article titled, “To my Beloved– the story behind the name“.