Thanks for visiting us!
We hope to encourage you today.
Welcome to The Unmarried Wife!
Here at #TheUW, we prioritize people.
With an emphasis on creating a safe space for women of all ages, sizes, creeds, and colors, we have crafted a nonprofit that specializes in truth, love, and encouragement.
Where others have stumbled and left gaps, we strive to be a ministry that catches all the women who might otherwise have fallen through the cracks.
From our Belonging Breakfasts to our Evermore House Program to our Breakfast Blessings, we build relationships, community, and belonging.
Please know that here, at The Unmarried Wife, you have a place.
Welcome home.
Thanks for visiting us!
We hope to encourage you today.
Welcome to The Unmarried Wife!
Here at #TheUW, we prioritize people.
With an emphasis on creating a safe space for women of all ages, sizes, creeds, and colors, we have crafted a ministry that specializes in truth, love, and encouragement.
Where others have stumbled and left gaps, we strive to be a ministry that catches all the women who might otherwise have fallen through the cracks.
Please know that here, at The Unmarried Wife, you have a place.
Welcome home.